Mrduja race – Split´s legendary sailing race

If you find yourself in Split at the end of September, right when you start noticing first glimpses of autumn, you can be surprised with the surreal scene in city harbour. Hundreds of sailboats, small, big, latin, crowded like a flock of swans rushing in direction of tiny Mrduja ridge settled in the gap between islands Brač and Šolta. Mrduja race is one of the largest on the Mediterranean, in witch almost any kind of vessel with a sail can participate.
For most participants, winning is not the aim. Nothing can compete with pure joy of teasing and poking of neighboring competitors, since Mrduja is notorious by the lack of wind.Those who are more experienced are already prepared on hours of floating in the harbour. In most cases you won´t need any sailing equipment, so you can replace it with piles of sandwiches, cakes, bowls full of fish stew and of course with a few bottles of good wine…and then, the race can begin!
If you want to experience Mrduja from first hand you can try to find some locals in ACY Marina the night before the race.Racers are usually in a very good mood, and it is very possible that tomorrow you’ll enjoy dalmatian slow food menu on a floating table with them.In other hand, if you are not so trustful to put your life in hands of complete strangers, you can still enjoy watching the race from Sustipan hill (nice park above ferry harbour). Just bring some picknik food and binocular. Start of the race usually takes more than an hour, so you will have plenty of time to inspect all participants, or you can wait for the evening and join everyone in celebrating the end of the race.
This year Mrduja will take place on September 27th, at 11 am.